Treatment Groups
Mental Health Counseling

This group is intended for adults 18 years and up who are struggling with anxiety and are in need of social support. The group is educational at times, but it is primarily process oriented. Member are expected to discuss their personal struggles with anxiety and actively engage with one another in order to benefit.

This group will assist people who have experienced a concussion but have not been able to find the way back to their pre-concussed self. Often people experience changes after a concussion that included headaches, sight changes, balance difficulty, irritability, depression, increased anxiety, increased OCD and inability to function at the level of pre-concussion.

In this group, members process their emotions through creative outlets such as drawing, collaging, and painting. Through artistic expression and therapeutic processing, members can learn about how their emotions impact behaviors.

Mindfulness is an awareness of moment by moment thoughts, feelings, the environment around us and our sensations within us relative to our thoughts and feelings.

This group allows younger teens a guided peer discussion format to address the stresses of school, social and family life. It’s a great place to ask all those awkward questions in a same space as members increase social skills and decrease anxiety.

This group allows teens a guided peer discussion format to address the stresses of school, social and family life while processing personal emotional distress in a safe environment.

This is a process group as opposed to a support group. The difference is that emotions will be processed and worked through. We have the tendency to get stuck while experiencing grief which causes us to have longer periods of deeply sad feelings. This group is designed to help people find where they are stuck and actively work through that area so grief processing can continue through its natural phases.

This group for adolescents experiencing anxiety runs in sections. The objectives for this group are to better understand anxiety and its triggers, how it impacts one’s life and how to cope with better tools. In section 1 the members will discuss their anxiety features and begin to learn effective coping skills through group activities.

This group is an open discussion support group for trauma survivors at any phase of the healing process. Topics will vary week to week and focus on the therapeutic process through the journey. This group meets weekly.

EmpowHer, a “sisters’ circle” is a place to share and listen to stories to empower women who have been, or continue to be, in either emotionally or physically abusive relationships. In this group, women will gain awareness and insight to their role in the cycle they have played and learn to own their feelings and express themselves clearly so they don’t regress into the model of another abusive relationship.
Addictions Counseling
Eating Disorders Counseling

This group focuses on the physiological as well as the emotional stressors that impact eating disorders. Clients have the opportunity to discuss issues they are struggling with and to set personal goals.

This group is for all ages/sex to learn more about themselves as they begin to recover from their disorder. Some may be coming from inpatient or IOP programs and others may just be starting their journey. The group members will learn about bringing down walls, becoming open to others and insightful to themselves.

This group is for all ages/sex suffering from a binge/purge cycle of eating. Individuals will be met with a non-judgmental approach dealing with a very private disorder. Learning to accept oneself and put oneself first will also be a key goal for members. The goals of this group include reducing the amount and frequency of eating and replace that with healthy tools for emotional regulation.

This group will help individuals learn how they use food for emotional regulation. Tools for learning to control emotions will be taught and practiced in group. This group will also be part of our bariatric program. Our Bariatric program is for those who are considering bariatric surgery to lose weight. We will work in conjunction with any of the programs and doctors in the area to provide an evaluation for readiness, as well as counseling pre-surgery and post surgery.
Treatment Options
Mental Health Counseling Groups

Individual Mental Health Counseling
Counseling begins with you and your therapist working on setting goals with treatment planning. You and your therapist will discuss what you are interested in accomplishing by coming to counseling and your therapist will design a plan specific to your needs. The process begins with developing a relationship that is safe, trusting, and non-judgmental in which you will work toward uncovering feelings and thoughts that have brought you to your current emotional state. You will learn about taking control over your thoughts and feelings so you may learn better ways to choose how you want in your life journey. And remember, unlearning old thought processes is extremely difficult. It takes time and requires a commitment from you to be effective. The more willing and open you are to the process, the more likely you will achieve your goals.

Couples Mental Health Counseling
Couples counseling assists in bringing a balance of power between those involved. We all want to be in control in a relationship and will inherently attempt to gain control in ways that were learned and perfected in our family of origin. While this works well in the beginning of a relationship, tactics for gaining control will likely be what causes the most conflict throughout the relationship. We change the way we communicate with our partner after the honeymoon period ends. We are no longer as open or willing to be as honest as we were in the beginning. Our therapists will help to uncover these control issues while helping you to discovering healthier, more effective ways of communicating and getting your needs met. This will include role-playing, homework challenges, and practicing honesty with each other in a safe, non-judgmental environment.

Family Mental Health Counseling
When a family is broken by various issues such as grief, addiction, poor communication, health issues, divorce, blending families, to name just a few, our therapists are here to assist you in finding and practicing solutions to any problem within your family. Breaking down the walls that we develop in the face of adversity is one of the major objectives in family counseling. We aren’t always equipped to handle the problems that arise in all families so it is important to address them instead of hiding from everything and hoping for the best. The best for all of us comes from insight, hard internal work, and willingness to try different techniques to tackle unsolved problems. Allow us to give you and your family the tools to create a more harmonious way of living that sets the stage for parents and children to love and live life.

Group Mental Health Counseling
Group counseling is a logical next step from individual counseling. Process groups provide an arena for members to practice new, more effective communication skills, coping skills and listening skills. Members will learn how they relate and react to different personality types. Being in a small, working group will enable the members to do some of their best work on themselves as the group provides a pseudo family with a facilitator who will connect their thoughts and feelings with appropriate communication. This will also be effective in providing a safe place to explore intimate thoughts and emotions with those who are doing the same. When you are ready to heal, group counseling will be the right place for you.
Addictions Counseling Groups

Individual Counseling for Addiction
Addictions counseling as an outpatient will be the most important part of treatment and those who continue counseling are better equipped to stay clean and sober. We have licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselors on staff who are experts in working with all types of addictions. We utilize a cognitive behavioral approach along with elements of the psychodynamic approach for a well-rounded method of treatment. Each person, who comes to our program, will work with their therapist to design an individualized treatment plan for their addictive disorder. Not all addiction is the same and at O’Leary Counseling, LLC, we take pride in being able to provide a safe, non-judgmental environment for people who suffer from addictive disorders.

Loved ones of Addicted Individuals
Living with an addict can be so difficult, so painful, so debilitating, and so hopeless that life may feel like it is impossible to live. Loving an addict is sometimes torturous. However, it does not have to mean a loss of control of one’s own emotional wellbeing. We are in control of how we think and feel. We decide how to interpret the world around us and can therefore decide how to feel about things. It is very hard to change what we think but it is possible and if we can change what we think, we can change how we feel. However, the one thing you must learn as the loved one of an addict is, you cannot change an addict. Nothing you do or say or think or feel will ever change the addiction. This is precisely what we will assist those who love someone with an addiction to learn and live. This is not about self-help groups such as Alanon or Naranon. This is about learning how to change yourself in order to keep your sanity and live your authentic life.

This group is for those who are involved in a relationship with addicts/alcoholics. Having a relationship with an addict/alcoholic can be frustrating, heart breaking, and debilitating. It can be the most difficult life experience in which love, and despair are experienced simultaneously.

This group is for anyone in the first 3 months of their recovery journey to assist them with finding the root of their addiction. This can be utilized with individual and family sessions to round out an intensive outpatient program or be the next step in their recovery process.

Group Addictions Counseling
An Eating Disorder, like other anxiety based disorders, can be as unique as the individual who has it. Many eating disorders are the result of early trauma that was not dealt with in a healthy manner. Individual counseling for those with eating disorders, such as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia or Overeating/ Binge Eating, can help uncover the roots of the disordered eating and launch the journey to developing self-esteem. As the processing continues, adding group counseling to the treatment plan will promote the practice of healthy coping skills and facilitate identity development while working with other individuals who are experiencing the same eating disorder.
Along with Individual Counseling and Group Counseling, we introduce Family Counseling to help the entire family cope with the issues that have existed before and during the actual disordered eating. The addition of Family Counseling further assists the individual in gaining more effective communication skills they have already begun to practice in their group sessions. When the family communicates more appropriately, the individual is better able to individuate more successfully.
Eating Disorders Counseling Groups

Individual Counseling for Eating Disorders
An Eating Disorder, like other anxiety based disorders, can be as unique as the individual who has it. Many eating disorders are the result of early trauma that was not dealt with in a healthy manner. Individual counseling for those with eating disorders, such as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia or Overeating/ Binge Eating, can help uncover the roots of the disordered eating and launch the journey to developing self-esteem. As the processing continues, adding group counseling to the treatment plan will promote the practice of healthy coping skills and facilitate identity development while working with other individuals who are experiencing the same eating disorder.

Family Counseling for Eating Disorders
Along with Individual Counseling and Group Counseling, we introduce Family Counseling to help the entire family cope with the issues that have existed before and during the actual disordered eating. The addition of Family Counseling further assists the individual in gaining more effective communication skills they have already begun to practice in their group sessions. When the family communicates more appropriately, the individual is better able to individuate more successfully.